Friday, June 29, 2012


Quote from Fit2Fat2Fit by Drew Manning

Just finished the book and it was definitely a little bit of motivation I needed.

Here is a piece of the end.

“Some of us might need to lose 15 pounds. Some may be looking to just get into better physical shape. Some have been struggling with weight all their lives. It doesn’t matter where you are when you start. It matters that you start. Everyone is on their own journey.
Perhaps the biggest lesson, and the one I want to leave with you here at the end, is to share your experience. It may be with a family member, a key friend, a strong community, a trainer (one who understands!), or online. It doesn’t matter who – it just matters that you don’t attempt the journey by yourself. You can accomplish all your health goals and change your life for good, as long as you’ve got support behind you and the courage to declare your own journey.
If you share your goals and are honest about your challenges, you will find that you have all the resources and support needed to succeed. I know you can. The time is now; the decision is yours. “

Thanks for reading,

For Miva!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Weekly Update 5/30/2012

Hello All,

So I was thinking of doing maybe weekly updates on this blog.

I wanted to update everyone on my workout progress.

My gym pattern is still Weight Training 3 times a week and 2 days of Cardio.

I like it so far it gives my body a rest.

I still need to focus on eating clearner.

Off Subject.....In Janurary I created email accounts for my daughters and occasionally I send them emails on what is happening and how much I love them.

Besides the emails I think having this blog with show them that in life there are struggles and road blocks and the stronger you are and the more you learn about yourself the easier life will be.

Well thats it for now.

Thanks for reading


Thursday, May 24, 2012

Update 5/24/2012

Hi Friends

So just a quick update I have been continuing my workouts even though I have not been blogging. I also have not done the personal trainer thing…too expensive for me plus I like my workouts I got results before I can do it again.
At this phase of my life my workouts are really focused on my heart rate zones. I am using a heart rate monitor to track my HR during workouts, which are really helping my stay motivated.

One assessment the gym offers is a Cardio/Fat burning Analysis, you run on a treadmill (intervals) and  are hooked to a PC and an oxygen type mask and they scan your body to see what the exact heat rate is when you start burning fat. (Everyone is different)
I want to do it but I am a little nervous about wearing all these contraptions at the gym. Oh and its $150

So when I did my personal training session what he suggested was to stop the pre-workout energy drinks (because I am old and it messes with my heart)
So I took the advice and if I take 4gms of Glutamine before bed, I wake up super energized and ready to go, no Jack3d (energy drink needed) also I am eating a little before working out so my body has some gas.

So the supplement routine is:
·         Vitamin
·         Fish oil
·         Protein Shake (ON Double Chocolate)
·         Recovery drink (xtend Refreshing Watermelon)
·         Glutamine (before bed)

One last thing my workout week  is Mon, Wed, Fri (Weight Training) Tues and Thurs are cardio and abs day.

I am looking for some good circuit trainings targeting specific body parts, let me know if you have any.

Enjoy the nice long weekend and special congrats goes out to one person …She….. I mean they know who they are…Good luck to you next week ;)

Have a nice weekend everyone J

P.S. After reading this I realize I write like a 5th grader.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Long Road Back

So this weekend I did something I never did before....had a personal trainer session.

The workout was the best workout I ever had, it was a mix of body weight exercises and TRX. If you don't know TRX check it out.

The Workout
Time 45 Minutes

Group 1 (2 sets with 60 sec rest)
Toe Touch Jumps x20
Body weight squats x20

Group 2 (2 sets with 60 sec rest)
Kettlebell Swings x20
Jump Squats x20
At this point my legs where like jelly and I was mad as hell.

Group 3 (2 sets with 60 sec rest)
TRX Body pulls (for the back)
Cable Twist (Like swinging a bat) each side x10

Group 3 (2 sets with 60 sec rest)
Dumbbell Squats with a shoulder press at the end x20
Diagonal Ball-Raise with medicine ball (no joke)

Group 4 (2 sets with 60 sec rest)
T-Bar (back) no weights x20
Smith Machine bar push up with knee tucks x20

Group 5 (2 sets with 60 sec rest)
Tricep pull down x20
Jump Squats (again) at this point I was using the F word

Group 6 (1 sets with 60 sec rest)
On all fours (alternate leg and arm lifts)
On all fours lift you leg like a dog pee'ing x10 each side
Hold a push up position for 30 secs.

I have 1 more sessions with this trainer (Saturday)

The key to this workout is to know you Heart rate zones

Healthy Heart Zone (Warm up) --- 50 - 60% of maximum heart rate: The easiest zone and probably the best zone for people just starting a fitness program. It can also be used as a warm up for more serious walkers. This zone has been shown to help decrease body fat, blood pressure and cholesterol. It also decreases the risk of degenerative diseases and has a low risk of injury. 85% of calories burned in this zone are fats!

Fitness Zone (Fat Burning) --- 60 - 70% of maximum heart rate: This zone provides the same benefits as the healthy heart zone, but is more intense and burns more total calories. The percent of fat calories is still 85%.

Aerobic Zone (Endurance Training) --- 70 - 80% of maximum heart rate: The aerobic zone will improve your cardiovascular and respiratory system AND increase the size and strength of your heart. This is the preferred zone if you are training for an endurance event. More calories are burned with 50% from fat.

Anaerobic Zone (Performance Training) --- 80 - 90% of maximum heart rate: Benefits of this zone include an improved VO2 maximum (the highest amount of oxygen one can consume during exercise) and thus an improved cardiorespiratory system, and a higher lactate tolerance ability which means your endurance will improve and you'll be able to fight fatigue better. This is a high intensity zone burning more calories, 15 % from fat.

Red Line (Maximum Effort) --- 90 - 100% of maximum heart rate: Although this zone burns the highest number of calories, it is very intense. Most people can only stay in this zone for short periods. You should only train in this zone if you are in very good shape and have been cleared by a physician to do so.

This week I will get back to my once awesome full body workouts.

Thanks for reading I hope you try this workout.  1

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Event + Response = Outcome

WOW! It has been well over a year since I blogged.

I moved to a new job, my beautiful kids are growing fast and still struggling with my health..
My eating habits went back to the old Will. i did continue to go to the gym but not with the same motivation of results.

I did not gain all the weight I lost but I am close to the beginning. Its crazy how any one event can total throw you off track.

At this point I lack motivation but finding this blog again has given me a spark. This weekend I am going to get my self in order, find a workout and regain my committment.

I need to get back on the horse and it starts today! Who is with me? I'M BACK......

P.S. anyone have coupons for the vitamin shoppe ijs :)

Friday, October 29, 2010

Today 10/29


I have a lot on my mind lately, and I think my workouts are really helping get through it.

I am definitely looking to change up my routine, maybe do a little more cardio in at the end of my workout. I need more motivation.

I didn't have much time in the gym today but got a good chest workout in and at least 30 mins of cardio at the end.



Friday, July 16, 2010

Interesting Image

The Skinny guy in me hasn't given up yet!